Return Policy

You may exchange or return most merchandise for a full refund at anytime after purchase. Just email us which item(s) are being returned and the reason(s) for the return, then securely pack the merchandise and ship to via US Postal Service or UPS.

Please be aware that if the return is due to an error on our part, we'll be happy to refund any associated shipping fees, but if you choose to return an item because it's not what you expected or you prefer a different color, shipping fees will not be refunded.

Please allow 7-10 business days for the return transit time, plus an additional 4 business days upon receipt for the return to be completed and the refund to be issued to your account. We'll email you when your return has been received and processed.

Return Address:

501 Silverside Rd, Suite 105
Wilmington, DE 19809

Still have questions?

Contact us: